
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sweet Sunday with my Sweetie

Joshua went to the Cowboy game on Sunday with is friend and there was a bit of a breakdown in communication and Luke did not get to go. Luke was upset for a bit, but then was excited that it would be a Lukey/Mommy Sunday.

We went to church and then had a great lunch date eating pizza! After lunch we went over to Blockbuster to rent a movie. And I guess it has been ages since I went with Luke to rent a movie, because I was HIGHLY disappointed in the movie selection! The Stewarts will now be moving into the new age and will be getting Netflix – yay! We were finally able to find a movie and went on home.

We grabbed Hank and the three of us snuggled up on the couch and watch Marmaduke! And let me tell you, that movie is HI-larious! We laughed and laughed. About five minutes into the movie Luke looked over at me and said, “Mom, if you close your eyes, it almost sounds like Marmaduke is Lightening McQueen when talking.” This boy cracks me up. I knew Owen Wilson did the voice for both, but I had not really thought anything about it since my brain is not thinking CARS 20/7 like Luke’s!

After the movie we decided to make some treats. We both agreed that anything dipped in chocolate and then dunked into sprinkles would be great, and we choose marshmallows!

Dipping things in chocolate with Luke can be tricky, you have to constantly keep an eye on him or he will locate a straw and just start sucking down melted chocolate. I have never met anyone who loves chocolate as much as him!


In true Luke fashion, as soon as we were done, he located the first marshmallow that was done and said, “Surely this one is cooled off and I can eat it!!” No mother can say no to that, so he began to eat away.

And of course Luke had to do one just in chocolate.  And he swirled it real good.

These were a yummy treat and oh so easy to make!  And I think they turned out so cute.

 Luke and I loved our Sweet Sunday together!

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