I love this picture of my Dad. I took it one Sunday while he was making a cake. I think the picture captures him perfectly.
I do not think my Dad knows I have a blog. At least I have not told him. I am not sure what he would think about being the subject of one of my entries.
Here are a few tidbits about my Dad:
• He named me Amanda. He was/is a Gunsmoke fan. Miss Kitty, well, her real name is Amanda.
• He likes practical jokes.
• When Joshua asked him if he could marry me, his response was, “Yes. And no take backs.” He was not kidding.
• On June 10, 1987 I saw my Dad cry for the first time. Yes, I remember the date. We let my rabbit go in a field because I did not want him anymore. He (the rabbit) was mean. My Dad later explained that I was so pathetic crying in a field over a rabbit that I hated and it brought a tear to his eye. He certainly was not heartbroken over the rabbit.
• He played a joke on my Mother to get her out of my hospital room when I had Luke so that he could have Luke all to himself. He was tired of her hogging him. I could not help but laugh.
• He is a great cook.
• He is the most punctual person I know. The man is not late to anything.
• Offered to write Joshua and me a check in the amount of money he and my Mother would otherwise spend on our wedding if we would just elope. Josh held out his hand for the check. To my Mother’s delight, I insisted that we have a wedding.
• He is my standing date on Sunday afternoons.
• When I was in college, he bet me that he could put more brach’s caramel candies in his mouth than I could mine. He won, however he locked up his jaw. It was hilarious. To date this is the only bet I did not mind losing to him.
• Made me get a job when I was 18. I cried.
• Bought the most beautiful jewelry dish for me one Valentine’s day when I was young. I still use it.
• Loves pineapple upside down cake.
• He once stole all the pumpkins off my porch and out of my yard (although he has never admitted it, I know it was him). I never got them back. I have no idea what he did with them. Joshua and I, in turn, toilet papered the scarecrow in his yard.
I love him dearly.
Few tributes have I ever read that were more obviously heart-felt and genuine. You honor your Dad in word and in deed. Blessings to you all!