How did Josh do at home for over three hours with three boys, all under six years old?
Well…… it did not happen.
I know, it is disappointing that there is no great story to tell here. I am a bit disappointed myself.
However, can I just tell you that it has been a long time since I have seen that look of relief come over Joshua’s face. When I told him that The Sister’s husband was off work and would stay home with their boys, it looked as if someone just informed him the tumor was benign.
It made me laugh.
He was a great sport to say he would watch them plus our Luke, but I could tell it was not on his top ten list of things to do in his lifetime.
Oh well, there will be another time…..we will need more knitting classes at some point!
And about the knitting class….good gosh, I am NOT a natural at it. I have my work cut out for me. I had visions of myself having a knack for knitting and I would churn out scarves, mittens, and socks in no time at all. I was wrong. It will take a while.
The Sister on the other hand did great.
I am jealous of her.
She did however point out that while she is better at me in knitting, I already had my Christmas decorations out, and she does not. At least she tried to make me feel better.
Love her.
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