She asked how my day was and how our family was doing so far in the week. She is one of those friends who truly want to know how things are, so I told her. I let her know what was on my mind and some of my concerns. It is funny how God will lead you where you need to be even when you have no clue He is doing so! How do people make it through life without God? I have no idea. I cannot even imagine it.
In talking to her, she made me laugh. I love laughing and I love laughing with friends. She made me see the funny in a situation that had been weighing on me.
She made me realize I was certainly not the first one to walk this road. It is amazing how we can start to feel we are the only ones in a situation. Life can be made so much easier when we realize others have been there, worked through it, and lived to tell about it!
She saw where I was coming from. I tend to second guess myself sometimes, especially in the big things. I like to think that I am not going about things all wrong, but if I am, I do not mind being told so. However, it is also good to have confirmation that my views are right on. The decisions made were good ones, and reasons for doing so were well thought out.
I was also reminded of how much she loves me and my family. What a blessing to have such a great friendship! To love all the quirks and oddities of our family is priceless to me.
I hope I am as much of a blessing to her when she needs it as she is too me.
Love you dearly, Friend. Thank you for the chat, for making me laugh, understanding, and loving us! Please know you eased my mind and made my day better.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
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